Quality Air For Life
Since the sale of Panasonic’s first room air conditioner in 1958, we have worked towards providing products and solutions that create comfortable and healthy living spaces for users.
In addition to comfort, we have always championed in the consideration of installation ease, diversity of installation environments, and the needs of all stakeholders. For 100 years, Panasonic has pioneered ground-breaking innovations. Whilst many things have changed over the past century, we at Panasonic maintain a fundamental passion centred upon creating solutions that give our customers a better life, and a better world.

Split System Air Conditioning
Panasonic leads the way in providing the ultimate comfort solution for your home. Our Residential Indoor AC Units including wall-mounted and central air conditioning systems are all designed with energy efficiency front of mind, whilst also offering unparalleled performance and reliability.

- Cooling & Heating Wall Mounted Split Systems
- Capacity Range: 2.5 kW – 8.0 Kw
- Inverter Control
- Quiet Operation
- Wireless or Wired Controller Options
- Eco Mode with A.I.
- Compact Outdoor Units
- iAuto-X
- nanoeX Air Purification (Mark2)
- Built-in Wi-Fi
- Comfort Cloud App Compatibility
- Humidity Sensor
- Increases Energy Efficiency

Z XKR Series
- Cooling & Heating Wall Mounted Split Systems
- Capacity Range: 2.5 kW – 8.0 Kw
- Inverter Control
- Quiet Operation
- Wireless or Wired Controller Options
- Eco Mode with A.I.
- Compact Outdoor Units
- iAuto-X
- nanoeX Air Purification (Mark1)
- Built-in Wi-Fi
- Comfort Cloud App Compatibility

RZ XKR Series
- Cooling & Heating Wall Mounted Split Systems
- Capacity Range: 2.5 kW – 8.0 Kw
- Inverter Control
- Quiet Operation
- Wireless or Wired
- Controller Options
- Eco Mode with A.I.
- Compact Outdoor Units
- Anti-bacterial Filter
Air Conditioning Expertise
Since the introduction of the first window-type air conditioning in 1958, Panasonic Air Conditioning has grown to become a globally recognised and celebrated brand, delivering unmatched quality and reliability
High Energy Efficiency
One of Panasonic’s guiding principles is envirionmental sustainability. With this in mind, our Wall Split System uses the R32 refrigerant which reduces environmental impact and also delivers better energy efficiency.
Breathe Quality Air, Anytime
As well as a cool or warm comfortable home, a Panasonic air conditioner provides the ultimate peace of mind with our Anti-Bacterial Filter which eliminates unwanted contaminants and enhances the quality of air for you and your family.
A Smarter Way to Control Your Air
Panasonic provides control solutions to satisfy all residential and commercial needs. Our range of controllers demonstrate flexibility in application, providing you with a comprehensive solution to any system need.
*CZ-TACG1 WLAN Adaptor required per unit. Requires an internet connection and the App downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store on your smartphone or tablet with the latest Operating System available.
*Functionality may vary depending on models.
Multi Split System Air Conditioning
Panasonic’s multi split air conditioning systems utilises one outdoor unit for multiple indoor units, saving outdoor space whereby space is limited, or outdoor building aesthetic is a concern.
Wall Mounted
Z Series with nanoeX and built in WiFi

Up to 2 rooms
Mini Cassette with nanoeX

Up to 3-4 rooms
Floor Console with nanoeX

Up to 4-5 rooms
Ducted System Air Conditioning
Ducted Air Conditioning is an ideal solution for cooling or heating in larger areas for greater comfort. With an extensive range of ducted systems from slim line, adaptive to splittable formats in high static, Panasonic has the solution to meet the needs of your ducted air conditioning application.

Adaptive Ducted with Air Purification
For more information click below link
The ideal solution for cooling, heating or air purifying your entire apartment, with limited ceiling space or requiring vertical installation with intuitive voice control and Wi-Fi control*.
* Additional accessories required

NanoeX Air Purification System
While the general filters in air purifiers are effective against airborne bacteria and viruses, nanoe™X also works to inhibit longer-living, adhered bacteria and viruses. With ducted design, it helps to clean the air in your whole home, giving you the quality air you need.

The 7 Reasons to use nanoe™ X
- Active Deodorisation – Penetrating into the deepest parts of fibres, nanoe™X eliminates frequently encountered odours, creating cleaner and fresher spaces.
- Inhibition of Hazardous Substances – nanoe™X has been confirmed to inhibit and breakdown common hazardous / harmful substances ensuring that the air you breathe is cleaner and safer.
- Inhibition of Mould – Common airborne and adhered mould found inside living / working spaces are enveloped and inhibited by nanoe™X.
- Inhibition of Bacteria & Viruses – nanoe™X envelops and inhibits the activity of airborne and adhered bacteria & viruses.
- Inhibition of Pollen – nanoe™X is effective in inhibiting a variety of pollens globally, all year around.
- Inhibition of Major Allergens – nanoe™X inhibits allergens such as pet dander, mite faeces / carcasses, and airborne mould, as well as other major allergens.
- Moisturises and Hydrates – nanoe™X combines with natural sebum (natural skin oils) to coat the skin, leading to a smoother, well-hydrated complexion.
Panasonic Air Conditioning Brochures
Panasonic Split and Multi Split Air Conditioning
Panasonic Ducted Air Conditioning
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Contact information
Valley Air Conditioning Newcastle
- 02 4966 0071
- Suite 402, Level 2, 161 King Street, Newcastle NSW 2300
Valley Air Conditioning Thornton
- 02 4966 0071
- 6 Kestrel Ave, Thornton NSW 2322